I wanted a vacation. And not just any vacation: I wanted to waterski.
I had waterskied once in my life. I was in my late 20’s and on an impromptu trip with friends to Big Bear Lake in California. But the only ski they had was a slalom (single) ski, and they insisted that nobody learns how to ski on just one ski. I went for it anyway. And, after several attempts, I blasted up out of the water and skied around the lake the whole day. I remember how it felt- the pride of the accomplishment, despite the general consensus that it could not be done.
Lately, I had been improving my fitness, and suddenly was aching to see if my 48-year-old self could pull off the same trick- could I still stand up on single waterski like I did when I was young? So I decided to make this my goal for my vacation.
Hence, I had to find a location that had waterskiing…
Other requirements: I wanted to challenge myself, have fun, hit some bucket list items, take pretty pictures, have a girls trip, and do it without breaking the bank.
To achieve “inexpensive” from Los Angeles meant vacationing in Cancun. And I was in luck- I found a waterski school at Club Med Cancun Yucatan.

I had never stayed at a Club Med before. My blog photographer Lesley Pedraza used to vacation there during her modeling days. She couldn’t stop talking about how magical Club Med was…
What the heck, I said. Let’s go. Lesley and I booked our trip.
My first note upon arrival: As a single gal, I was particularly thrilled with the number of attractive men (including French ones) working at the resort as instructors and hosts. Eye candy- yum!

My second note: We headed straight to the buffet after check-in. Club Med is a French company, and the French don’t mess around with food. The buffet included duck, lamb, venison, beef tongue, snails, oysters, and a French cheese selection served alongside delicious Mexican fare. Again- yum!
Now for the “activities”: I always thought Club Med was for kids. But heck, there is no reason that we, as “older” adults, should just lie on our backs for our entire vacation, packing on the pounds. I wanted to waterski, and this Club Med had a lagoon in the back with a waterski school, multiple instructors, and 2 boats to pull you around. There was salsa dance class at 10am, beach volleyball at noon, and cooking class at 2pm. One could sign up for lessons in sailing, snorkeling, archery, tennis; there was even a trapeze school. At night, after local performers and bands, guests and instructors alike dance the night away. We even spent some time at the spa and got lovely massages…

Lesley and I were literally running from activity to activity in glee. I can’t even remember the last time I was so busy and so happy on a vacation.
The best part of our trip was a total accident: Our vacation dates were at the end of September – which is one of Club Med Cancun’s two low visitor seasons (end of September/beginning of October and end of February/beginning of March). The resort holds up to 1200 guests, but there were only about 150 in residence. That meant: no lines – it was like Disneyland when it rains. We practically had the entire resort to ourselves and undivided attention from instructors at each activity.
So, back to the waterskiing, and my desire to re-create my younger-self athletic triumph…
The Club Med instructors were dubious, explaining to me (again) that I could not learn to ski just on one ski, and that my one-time ‘mermaid moment’ skiing in my 20s didn’t count. But I got the one ski on and got in the water…
Much to everyone’s amazement, on the 6th attempt I stood up and happily skied around the lagoon. I proceeded to ski every day until we left, and I even tried (and succeeded) on a wakeboard. I achieved, and exceeded, my goal. I was so proud of myself. I had pushed my body, and I was able to recreate my youthful athletic miracle.
This was a trip to remember, and it inspired to return to Los Angeles and push harder into my regular exercise and strength building. It is never too late…
Lesley and I had nothing but fun at Club Med Cancun. I am already looking forward to going back. I hope to see you there next time 😉
Sincerely, Jacqueline