08/01/2013 04/01/2015 A fix for thinning eyebrows… by Jacqueline Depaul My eyebrows were thinning. The outer half of them had mostly disappeared, and the inner half had thinned out. Apparently this is common with…
06/30/2013 04/01/2015 Eat the Devil, Abandon Eden by Jacqueline Depaul Joy is present in Eden. Though the forbidden apple is visible, there is no need, no desire. Happiness reigns as you waft by…
01/11/2013 08/27/2015 Women and Creativity by Jacqueline Depaul Recently I was invited to be the featured guest on “Artful Undress” / TRadioV.com. The Artful Undress show is hosted by Kira M. Pandukht, sculptor extraordinaire, and Polina Hryn, CEO…